But I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on these in general since there is a second series. The whole issue where Tsutomu’s mind might envelop hers but it never really becomes an issue. The undercover modelling career Birdy has for, like, an episode and then doesn’t get mentioned again.

There are also a lot of little plot details that don’t go anywhere.
#Tetsuwan birdy decode ep 1 series
But this series just plays him as a subdued, narcissist and tries to have some serious scenes with him that you can’t actually take seriously because he’s a fucking M Night Shyamalan stand in. He hijacks a plane but it turns out that he owns the air line and he’s technically allowed to have one of the planes go somewhere else, it’s just terrible customer service. Robs a bank while taking hostages, turns out the small children in the crowd are his accomplices and they pull out comically large weapons that would only be legal to buy in America. A criminal Shyamalan parody who sets up dumb twists for his crimes. Again, this is something that could be great in a comedy. This dude looks like he’s intended as a stand in for M Night Shyamalan & happens to completely unsubtly have the same family name. Then we have one of the major antagonists, Shyamalan. Including having situations where people die or get hurt because these two find themselves in an awkward predicament. That’s an element you’d expect to see used for goofy sitcom style shenanigans, but this series largely tries to use it for drama. For example, the main characters sharing a body and having to swap control and forms, because I guess Birdy can shape shift. This series takes itself pretty seriously while including some really goofy content that’s actually impossible to take seriously.

Let’s start with the biggest narrative problem, the aesthetic. They transfer his consciousness into Birdy’s body while they fix his and the misadventures of these two swapping places and clashing begins. Any way, they manage to confront one of the crooks only to have him play operation human shield with a random civilian, thereby getting said civilian sliced in half. Also, much easier than developing an alien culture. It just makes things so much more interesting when we see the usual scenery. Because of course you have to set things on Earth instead of an alien civilisation. Cut to some time later, Birdy and her squid friend have tracked the criminals to Earth.
#Tetsuwan birdy decode ep 1 driver
In any case, she captures their getaway driver but they scarper. Turns out she’s a federation security agent and yet she doesn’t wear gold. We open with our titular Birdy in pursuit of some criminals. I don’t know what to expect since their quality is so variable. Which will officially make it the earliest A-1 anime I’ve reviewed. And this one came out before Kuroshitsujitoo. It was originally written by Yuuki Masami. Tetsuwan Birdy Decode is an anime from late 08 based off of a manga from the mid to late 80s.